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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Interior Design : Minimalist Dream Houses Ideas

Minimalist Dream House Ideas
Jeane, an interior designer wants to enjoy the convenience of room atmosphere and the houses she lives by creating a sensual and sexy appearance in accordance with modern minimalist trend. 
Modern Minimalist Bedroom Design Ideas
The design of her Minimalist Dream Houses by choosing the overall atmosphere of pure white interior, glossy furniture and space that seem sophisticated modern versatile space, interior decorating accessories here using the aesthetic and dramatic lighting to highlight the beauty of her design. With a simple straight line, color and contrast that teach philosophy 'less is more' design perfect for the Jeane world who desperately need an uncomplicated design. With the simple use of wood, stone and glass, she has  given a lot of beautiful interior design.
Modern Minimalist Bathroom Design Ideas
Modern Minimalist Kitchen Design Ideas

Modern Minimalist Livingroom Design